Seneca Tech Ventures

Seneca Tech Ventures

šŸŒŸ Discover Seneca Tech Ventures' AI tool, Seneca! šŸ“šāœØ šŸ” Get personalized student feedback & automated grading using ChatGPT's technology. šŸ‘©ā€šŸ« Schedule sessions for interactive help. šŸ¤– Easily integrate into LMS, with FERPA compliance. šŸ”’ Ensure privacy with detailed policies. #AI #EdTech #StudentFeedback

  • Seneca Tech Ventures offers Seneca, an assistant for grading and student feedback using AI technology similar to ChatGPT.
  • Seneca provides automated grading and interactive feedback for complex material.
  • Users can schedule time with Seneca for assistance.
  • FAQ section addresses integration into LMS, product walkthrough, FERPA compliance, grading time, subjects graded, and submission requirements.
  • Privacy Policy and FERPA Compliance information are available.
  • Users can report abuse on Google Sites.